Cottage studio Ii

Cottage studio Ii
Liisu wardrobe Ii, Finland 2013, video performance

fredag 3 augusti 2012

På resande fjäder

På resande fjäder kommer jag dit - till kanten så helvass och svår - så ler jag och ser att den har jag drömt - vad konstigt att det bara går - istället jag finner en fjäderskrud - en fågel har kommit förbi - och lämnat en klänning åt mig - som jag stilla lndar i.

Betraktelser 1-12

Fröunda Kulturhus, Göteborg 2011

This piece is a reflection on time and place. The photos are collages, drawings and paintings from agendas and diaries. I wanted to explore traces of time in scratches, fingerprints and particles of dust. An interesting thing was also to highlight those overlooked and untouched places in the almost fully booked agendas. What is it that slips away from efficiency and stay unbooked? There are many such places even in an active agenda.

tisdag 10 juli 2012


This used to be Rollingergrund 17 and it was destroyed during my stay in Luxembourg. At the same time as the digging machines demolished the house I reconstructed one room from inside that I found when I had been exploring the house. The reconstruction took place in the exhibition hall in Casino Luxembourg. As I couldn´t go to Rollingergrund to get the real wastes I had to get it from another destroyed house at the waste disposal site. 

At the exhibition I made it all into a peep show so the visitors could get a glimpse of the room that disappeared. 
The room at Rollingergrund 17

Oh, see they return...

Workshop med konsthögskolestudenter och studenter från sjukgymnastutbildningen.     


Samarbete med Kalle Brolin och Sinziana Ravini, tidskriften Ord och Bild
"Jag som alltid talat men tystnat vill säga något jag aldrig sagt - något om det stora"

Transformation of a building

3 women tell their stories about building/renovating their newly bought houses

Collaboration with Kalle Brolin, Pia Sandström, Camilla Larsson and Maja Ciric

Towards a new address

10 women tell their stories of switching of places from moving out of their childhood home until settling down with a family of their own
Collaboration with Kalle Brolin, Pia Sandström, Camilla Larsson and Maja Ciric

Being in a room

Observationer 1-5


Funeral for an abandoned boat

Rum av röster

Authentic sounds of the cellar mixed with voices of people who were inside an empty building somewhere else 

Mellan rum 2

Mellan rum 1


Tio minuter matta

Just do it